Sunday, April 26, 2009

Things I Would Seriously Like To Do To People Who Piss Me Off

I tried doing this on Facebook but it was too cumbersome so here it is.

My sister and I were chatting online today and we were discussing what we'd like to do to people who seriously piss us off and we accumulatively came up with the following list:
  • Cut a raw onion and glue it under the desk of the varmint who is irritating you at work and wait for the smell to permeate. It is a very difficult smell to remove once it is present. *hahahahaha*...
  • Dress in camouflage gear and sneak up to your neighbour, who is playing music way too LOUD at 5am, and rip out the main fuse and sneak back home.
  • Turn the Gerni super high powered water hose on the same neighbour the following Monday morning as he is getting in his car to go to work.
  • Buy weed killer and inscribe the word "C*NTZ" on their front lawn.
  • Battery acid on the bonnet of their car - as above.
  • Throw prawn heads in their ducted heating or air conditioning vents.
  • Glue kitchen utensils to their windscreen wipers
  • Glue their windscreen wipers to their windscreen (HAHAHAHAHAHA.....I love my sister for this one!!)
  • Turn their water mains off and pour quick drying cement over it.
  • Club them with a baseball bat full of nails and rusty catfood tin lids embedded
  • Put a live match-head into every single cigarette that they smoke.
  • Fill their exhaust pipes with 1000s and 1000s of caps and then wedge a banana in it. (What does that do?)
  • Stir their coffee with a used condom
  • Pooh in their desk and say "Who farted??" everytime you walk by...
  • Put toothpaste in their haemorrhoid cream tube.



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