Saturday, January 17, 2009

Seven Pounds

Went to see Seven Pounds with G and what an inspirational! I don't see a lot of movies because I am quite particular about what I watch. It takes me longer for the penny to drop, I'll admit. When I saw Sixth Sense, it honestly took me 98% of the movie before I worked it out - doh! Anyway, I'm not giving anything away - Seven Pounds is nothing like Sixth Sense.....heeeeeeey, check out the coincidink?? Sixth? Seventh? I digress......

Very thought provoking movie last night and I was sitting next to the worst critic in the wrold and even he thought it was great. Gives you heaps to talk about later and even more to ponder privately and I LOVE a movie that elicits that.

I'm still in two minds whether I viewed the main character as brave or as a coward. Is there such a thing as cowardly bravure.....or brave cowardice? Elements of both I guess.

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